Our Transformation Programme

Camden Health Partners’ approach to transforming care is to work with patients, their families and communities to define what matters to them. Working in partnership with other providers we aim to co-design and co-produce services which deliver these outcomes and improve system resilience.

Our GP Federation

We support our practices and Primary Care Networks in the delivery of services to patients. Below are some of the projects that we are currently working on:

A. Covid vaccination Programme

Camden Health Partners have played an important supportive role to the PCNs and their Clinical Directors in delivering the highly successful roll-out of the Camden COVID-19 vaccination programme. CHP’s contribution has been to provide infrastructure help and support to the set-up of PCN ‘Hub sites’, provision of a call/recall service to identify and book the priority cohorts of patient including supply of informatics and data and the co-ordination and deployment of clinical and non-clinical volunteers to staff the clinics.

We have also played a key role in liaising and bringing together partners, including Public Health, the Council and other healthcare providers to ensure an integrated and full coverage of the programme, including seeking to reach those populations with significant health inequalities and who have been hesitant to receive vaccinations. 

Camden Health Partners is proud of the role we have played and our contribution in support of our PCNs to ensure as many of the Camden residents as possible are protected.

B. Supporting practices and building resilience

We are supporting individual practices to develop their websites enabling patients to navigate the system better, providing information on self care and signposting to services which patients can self refer to ensuring they see the right person at the right time.

C. Workflow optimisation

We are supporting our practices to standardise policies and processes and train skilled administrators to review correspondence that does not need to be seen by a clinician.  Increasing administrative efficiency in this way means that clinicians have more time  to spend on non – administrative tasks.

D. Cervical Screening

We are working in partnership with Public Health on a project to look at the challenges of increasing cervical screening rates. We want to understand more about the differences between practice and how approaches to encouraging people to attend for cancer screening benefit from being tailored to the specific needs of local populations.  Evaluation has been built into the project, which will run for two months and enable lessons to be shared widely

E. Improving outcomes for people with long term conditions

Our Quality Improvement and Support leads work closely with Primary Care Network Clinical Directors and individual practices to support targeted improvement in outcomes for people who have a range of long term conditions. We recognise that this requires a partnership with patients rather than providing single unconnected episodes of care.

F. Workforce development projects including

    1. Newly qualified GP fellows support, mentoring to undertake projects that go beyond their surgeries
    2. Developing mentoring roles for GPs who are thinking of retiring to ensure that their skills and experience are recognised and retained
    3. Service provision to support primary care pharmacy
    4. Training that is tailored to meet the needs of our practices

G. Supporting Primary Care Networks development

We recognise the rich variety of our Primary Care Networks and the communities they serve. We have therefore offered a menu of support that we can provide to help PCNs in establishing and on their journey to full maturity.

H. Working with Communities

Practices and Primary Care Networks have a critical role to play in their local economies as anchor institutions in their local communities. Our Citizen Health projects build on local best practice to understand how we can improve the way that we work in partnership with patients and local populations to improve prevention, health and well being.

I. Integrated Care

We are working closely with local commissioners and providers to improve the way all services work together in local areas so that people who have complex needs get care that is joined up and focussed on their needs.

Our Services

We provide an array of different NHS services and programmes. Below are some of the projects that we are currently working on:

Diabetes Intergrated Practice Unit (IPU)

We are working with other health providers within an innovative contract to improve outcomes for patients with diabetes which has been nationally recognised and acknowledged as achieving excellence.

Urgent Care

We are working closely with the Royal Free Trust to increase the through flow of patients into Urgent Care. We are working as an Urgent Treatment Centre at the Royal Free Hospital, where we work as one team alongside Emergency Department Doctors, Emergency Nurse Practitioners, Paediatrics and GPs. We are also seeing patients booked in directly from 111.

At Barnet Hospital we run the Urgent Care Centre and continue to see Primary Urgent Care cases and minor injuries. We are transitioning to an Urgent Treatment Centre which will enable us to provide a wider variety of care.

Medical Students

We are excited to welcome University College London Year 5 Medical Students for their General Practice Core placement in our Royal Free London Urgent Treatment Centre. This is a unique opportunity for Medical students to experience the changing and challenging role of General Practice.

Our Medical Director alongside our Operations Manager we meet regularly with Camden Health Partners GPs to work on providing continued excellent patient care.

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