Our Member Practices & PCNs

Under the  Primary Care Networks DES Contract, individual GP practices in England needed to establish or join Primary Care Networks based on GP registered lists, covering populations of between 30,000 to 50,000.

What are Primary Care Networks:

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan, all general practices were required to be in a network by June 2019, and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were required to commit recurrent funding to develop and maintain them.

PCNs are essentially groups of general practices working closely together with other primary and community care staff and health and care organisations, to provide integrated services to their local populations.

Our 23 member practices have formed in to seven PCNs based upon their geography, created a network agreement, appointed clinical directors and established and enabled sustainable networks. The main aim of our seven PCNs is to focus on providing healthcare services around local communities by connecting the primary healthcare team across their network geographies and providing shared workforce support, therefore ensuring coordinated and improved care.

Our PCN Clinical Directors

Dr Abanti Paul

Clinical Director of Central Hampstead PCN

Dr Claire Chalmers-Watson

Clinical Director of Kentish Town Central PCN

Dr Jonathon Levy

Clinical Director of Kentish Town South PCN

Dr Tom Aslan

Joint Clinical Director of North Camden PCN

Dr Liz Bradley

Joint Clinical Director of North Camden PCN

Dr Vikram Dave

Joint Clinical Director of South Camden PCN

Dr Jonathan Hazon

Joint Clinical Director of South Camden PCN

Dr Rumshia Ahmad

Clinical Director of West & Central Camden

Dr Birgit Curtis

Clinical Director of West Camden PCN

Take a look at our Primary Care Networks and visit our member practice websites to see the array of services that they provide.



Member and shareholder

Kentish Town Central PCN

Clinical Director: Dr Claire Chalmers-Watson

Caversham Group Practice
Parliament Hill Medical Centre
Prince of Wales Medical Centre



Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder

Kentish Town South PCN

Clinical Director Dr Jonathon Levy

James Wigg Group Practice
Queens Crescent Practice



Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder

North Camden PCN

Joint Clinical Directors Dr Tom Aslan & Dr Liz Bradley

Adelaide Medical Centre
Brookfield Park Surgery
Hampstead Group Practice
Keats Group Practice
Park End Surgery



Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder

South Camden PCN

Joint Clinical Directors Dr Vikram Dave & Dr Jonathan Hazon

Holborn Medical Centre
Museum Practice
ST Philips Medical Centre



Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder

West & Central Camden

Clinical Director Dr Rumshia Ahmad

Brondesbury Medical Centre
Gower Street Practice



Member and shareholder
Member and shareholder

West Camden PCN

Clinical Director Dr Birgit Curtis

West Hampstead Medical
The Abbey Medical Centre



Member and shareholder

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