Covid 19

Since the Camden ANCHOR was approved by the Charity Commission, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a widespread emergency response from all parts of the system. In the immediate future, the object and aims of the charity are likely to focus on what can be done to ameliorate and support people to cope with the adverse health and well-being outcomes that will inevitable result.

The term ‘Lost to COVID’ captures a wide section of the population who are likely to be disproportionately affected as a direct or indirect result of the pandemic. It is already clear that BAME populations have had significantly worse outcomes from the disease. Those from poorer backgrounds have also seen both higher rates of infection and death rates-partly as a consequence of other co-morbidities including obesity. Men have had higher adverse effects than women and for some groups this will be of great significance in terms of the impact on family income. As such, our priorities are likely to focus on:

  • Groups where existing health inequalities are likely to be further adversely impacted-BAME, those in poverty, young and old with range of health and mental health co-morbidities, carers
  • Those impacted directly by COVID-19-living with the long-term consequences of the disease or bereaved
  • Those whose health has been indirectly impacted by COVID-19 with missed diagnoses, late diagnoses and lack of access to usual services
  • Those affected by the impact of social isolation-those shielding, elderly, vulnerable with existing mental health or physical problems including learning disabilities, those unable to access/use technology, loss of family and carers, poor diet, lack of exercise etc
  • Those whose longer-term health is impacted by the economic impact of the pandemic-increased mental health problems and subsequent health impact on the young who are jobless, unable to complete studies, those who have lost businesses/jobs etc

In addition there is a further cohort of providers/Key workers to consider:

  • Those that have experienced the stress, distress and anxiety of coping with those suffering and dying from COVID and their own fears for themselves and their families
  • Those struggling with the impact of changing systems rapidly and the fear of the adverse impact of this in the future

On a positive note there are potentially positive outcomes from the pandemic that can be utilised by the charity as opportunities to deliver our object. These include:

  • The changes to models and how these might promote and support the building of infrastructure that involves people in a collective effort to build confidence in their own abilities and to experience opportunities that build their capacity and capabilities for positive health and well-being outcomes
  • The surge in volunteering
  • A new sense of community and its importance
  • A greater appreciation of the challenges and difficulties faced by the vulnerable
  • A desire to support existing infrastructure and professionals across health and care in recognition of their contributions
  • The rapid development of technology that could play a vital part in supporting people to self-manage their health and well-being
  • A focus on re-building and recovery as next steps
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