Haverstock Health was set up in 2009 by a group of Camden practices (the shareholders) to provide a vehicle for the delivery of clinical and non-clinical services to the people of Camden and beyond and to enable and support GP practices to work together to improve services and outcomes for their patients and address some of the challenges individual practices face with increasing demands, changing demographics and financial challenges within the NHS. It has successfully been delivering a range of services for many years.
Our Priorities
• Support the formation and operation of Primary Care Networks through being a Network Business Partner.
• Provide high quality services through NHS and Private or Third Sector contracts that directly improve outcomes for patients
• Make available a wide range of expertise through our advisory service offer.

To deliver our vision our organisational model can be summarised as:
• Haverstock Health is a member driven, clinically led organisation and our organisational structure and culture aligns with this model.
• Our operating model allows the company to focus on managing the essentials of the health care system today while transforming to the integrated health and well-being system of tomorrow.
• We ensure that the company meets the standards of governance as laid out in our Articles of Association including working in collaboration with other partners.
• We aspire to be action-orientated, flexible, dynamic and highly motivated business partners.